
1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers

Description: 1962 IRE International Convention Record, New York, March 26-29, 1962, Part 1 through Part 10. Ten paperback books bound together into two hardcover books. Part 1-5: Ex-technical library with usual marks. Checked out four times. Moderate shelf/handling wear to pages and library binding hardcover. Part 6-10:Ex-technical library with usual marks. Checked out zero times. Moderate shelf/handling wear to pages and library binding hardcover. OCR scan: 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD An annual publication devoted to papers presented at the IREInternational Convention held in March of each year In New YorkCity. Formerly published under the titles CONVENTION REC-ORD OF THE I.R.E. (1953 & 1954), IRE CONVENTION RECORD(1955 & 1956), and IRE NATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD (1957.1958, & 1959). Additional copies of the 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVEN-TION RECORD may be purchaxed from the Institute of RadtoEngineers, 1 East 79 Street. New York 21, N.Y., at the priceslisted below. Antennas & Propagation Automatic ControlCircuit Theory Electron DevicesMicrowave Theory & Techniques Electronic ComputersInformation Theory Aerospace & NavigationalElectronicsMilitary ElectronicsRadio Frequency interferenceSpace Electronics & Telemetry Component PartsIndustrial ElectronicsProduct Engineering & ProductionReliability & Quality ControlUltrasonics Engineering AudioBroadcastingBroadcast & Television Receivers Communications SystemsVehicular Communications Bio-Medical ElectronicsHuman Factors in ElectronicsInstrumentationNuclear Science EducationEngineering ManagementEngineering Writing & Speech Complete Set (10 Parts) 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 1 - ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Page (Sesxion 8: spoonored by PGAP) Paltern Characteristies of an AtensaFocusod in the Freseel Region . .Polarizatine Tracking of Artennas. .Log Periodic Cireuit Analysis (Abstract)Seurning Characteristics of Two-ReflectorActeana Systems . . . . .Aanular Slot Meoopalse Antennas J.J. Stangel and W.M. Yarnell .. R. Mittra W.D. White and L.K. DeSizeK.C. Kelly and F.J. Goebels, Jr. J.F. Ramsay, J.P. Thompson and W.D. White -- Propagatina[Session 16: sponsored biy PGAP) Radiation Characteristies of Siot Antenaas Covered with a Plasma Slab in the Presence of aStatic Magnetic Field Perpesdicolar to the Slol . .Trapped Wares in Varying Dielectric Media .Sabmerged Antenna Perfortaace ....TM Backscatter Sounding as a Means for Monitoring Propagation ConditionsDuring Sbort-Wave Broadeasts ..Precipitation Seatter as an Interference Source in CommunicationSatellite Systerss . .H. HodaraJ.E. ChinW.L. Wecks and R.C. Fenwick ..... R.B. Fenwick and O.G. Villard, Jr. . A.S. Dennis (Session 23: sponsored by PGAP) SCAN - Inertialess Steerable CommunicationAatenna .Soperdirective Astenea Arrays for Improved VLF Reception (Abstraet) ...... R.O. SchildknechtThe Coupling and Mutual Impedance Between Conical Log-SpiralAntesnas in Simple Arrays . .On Random Remoral of Radiators from LargeLinear ArraysA Spaciag Weighted Aatenna Array .H. Brueckmann, J.R. Gruber, and C.A. Bramble J.D. Dyson T.M. Maher and D.K. Cheng.. Y.T. Lo 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 2-AUTOMATIC CONTROL: CIRCUIT THEORY TABLE OF CONTENTS Circuit Theory - 1(Session 10: sponsored by PGCT) SubnetworksRealization of Fundamental Circuit and Cut-SetMatricesSolution Procedure for Single-Element-KindNetworksThe Image-Parameter Design of the General Two-SectionElliptic-Function FilterSome Properties of MultiterminalRC Networks P. S. Castro and W. W. Happ C. C. Halkias and W. H. Kim S. D. Bedrosian and R. S. Berkowitz W. N. Tuttle S. Darlington Circuit Theory - II(Session 18: sponsored by PGCT) Stability, Power Gain and Bandwidth of Synchronously TunedCascaded Linear Active Two-Port NetworksCoupled Mode Theory, with Applications toDistributed Transformers ,Transient Analysis of a ParametricOscillatorMaximum Sampling Rate for Superregenerative AmplifiersOptimum Nonlinear Filters for Random Signals. . S. Venkateswaran V. R. Saari E. D. BantaD. N. ThomsonN. K. Sinha Control Systems - Theory(Session 26: sponsored by PGAC) Dynamic and Noise Errors in Linear ServosDesign of Relay Type Sampled-Data Control SystemsUsing Discrete Describing Function ..An Algorithm for Stochastic Control ThroughDynamic Programming Techniques .Double Measurement with Both Sampled and Continuous InputsMinimal Time Control with Multiple Saturation Limits . S. W. Gery B. C. Kuo P. P. ChenJ. C. HungS. S. L. Chang Control Systems - Applications(Session 41: sponsored by PGAC) Radar Tracking Utilizing Operational DynamicRegenerationAutomatic Steering TechniquesSearch and Lock Receiver .Design of the Saturn S-IV Stage PropellantUtilization SystemVapor Jet Control of Space Vehicles S. Adelman and S. M. ShinnersD. BarrickF. O. Gray D. J. Allen and L. G. BekemeyerJ. E. Vaeth Symposium: The Design of Networks with a Digital Computer(Session 48: sponsored by PGCT) Circult Revolution: A Tutorial Introduction to the Symposium on theDesign of Networks with a Digital Computer (Abstract)Experience with a Steepest Descent Computer Program forDesigning Delay Networks .Filter Synthesis Using a Digital ComputerDesign of Transistor Feedback Amplifiers and Automatic ControlCireuits with the Aid of a Digital ComputerDC and Transient Analysis of Networks Using a Digital Computer P. R. Geffe C. L. SemmelmanG. C. Temes O. P. ClarkF. H. Branin, Jr. 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 3 - ELECTRON DEVICES; MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES TABLE OF CONTENTS . R. L. Luce, J. D. McCotter, J. A. Sluss, andC. G. Thornton V. A. Bluhm and T. P. SylvanS. Venkateswaran Phenomena Transistor . Semiconductor Devices(Session 1: sponsored by PGED)High Frequency Micro Layer Transistor .A New Unijunction Transistor Structure Using SpreadingResistance ModulationFrequency of Merit for Three Terminal Electron Devices ..New Microwave Techniques in the Measurement of Semiconductor. H. Jacobs, F. A. Brand, J. D. Meindl, S. Weitz, and R. BenjaminA High-Speed, Medium-Power, All-Diffused Germanium NPN Mesa. R. M. Folsom, W. A. Pieczonka, P. P. Castrucci, and M. M. Roy Panel: Broadening Device Horizons(Session 9: sponsored by PGED) Panel (Abstract)Integrated Electron Devices.Optical Masers (Title Only).Speed in Semiconductor Devices (Title Only) Microwave DevicesSession 17: sponsored by PGED and PGMTT) A Wideband Microwave Deflection-Amplifier TubeAbstract) ..The Multiple-Beam KlystronA Light-Weight, Compact Backward-Wave Oscillatorfor X-Band ..The Properties of Thermo-Electric Elements as MicrowavePower Detectors .A Broad-Band UHF Parametric Amplifier I. A. Lesk, G. Birnbaum, and J. M. Early. I. A. LeskG. BirnbaumG. M. Early . H. J. Wolkstein and R. W. McMurrough. M. R. Boyd, R. A. Dehn, J. S. Hickey, and T. G. Mihran . C. Biechler and K. R. Evans . S. Hopfer, N. H. Riederman, and L. A. Nadler. R. LaRosa Microwave Components(Session 25: sponsored by PGMTT) Superconducting Coaxial Delay Line. .A Wide-Band Microwave Compressive Receiver P. K. Shizume and E. VaherF. J. Mueller and R. L. Goodwin A Compact UHF High Power Ferrite IsolatorAnalysis of Resonant Cavities in Parametric Amplifiersand Frequency Multipliers ..Multiple Harmonic Local Oscillator Source Electron Devices(Session 28: sponsored by PGED) Synthetic Ruby for Maser ApplicationMicrowave Modulation of Light .Practical Solid State Three Dimensional (3-D)Display .. .The Electrostatic Vidicon and Methods of EvaluationNew Developments in Ultra-Fast Warm-Up PlanarTubes. . E. Wantuch and R. Poppe .. Y. KaitoJ. Gartner and S. Sutkin R. L. Hutcheson.W. M. Macek, R. Kroeger, and J. R. SchneiderJ. L. Coddington and R. J. SchipperR. J. DoyleJ. M. Connelly and D. D. Mickey S. A. Rosen. W. Larson Sources ..A 1962 Review of Millimeter Wave InstrumentationLow Loss X-Band Traveling Resonator Microwave Measurements(Session 33: sponsored by PGMTT) A High Accuracy Technique for the Measurement of Microwave Frequencyand Phase Modulation ..Analysis of Rotation Errors of a Waveguide Rotary Vane AttenuatorMeasurement of Effective Temperatures of Microwave NoiseJ. S. Wells, W. C. Daywitt, and C. K. S. MillerL. L. BertanE. Wantuch and A. H. Reeves 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 4 - ELECTRONIC COMPUTERS; INFORMATION THEORY TABLE OF CONTENTS B. M. Mindes G. H. Goldstick, T. T. Dao, and F. L. Ashford. . I. Stein. L. F. Shew E. B. Boyle, Jr. and R. L. Edwards, Jr. W. A. Bishop and W. A. Skillman .A. Rosenfeld . M. R. Uffelman Digital Computers: Components, Circuits, and Techniques(Session 4: sponsored by PGEC)A Novel Microwave Computing Technique (Abstract).NCR 315 Current Mode Diode LogicBuilding Blocks .Generalized Pulse Recording .High-Density Magnetic Head Design for Noncontact Recording .A Compact 166-Kilobit Film Memory. .R. D. Turnquist, V. E. Christiansen, and C. O. Hogenson Computers in Control and Simulation(Session 12: sponsored by PGEC) Computer-Controlled ASW Training Facility ..The Iterative Control System for the Electronic Differential Analyzer ....... M. C. GillilandDigital Simulation of Pulse DopplerTrack-While-Scan Radar.Tellertron: A Real-Time Updating and Transaction Processing Systemfor Savings Banks ... D. M. Bowers, W. T. Lennon, Jr., W. F. Jordan, Jr., and D. G. Benson Artificial Intelligence: Recent Developments in Concepts and Hardware(Session 20: sponsored by PGEC) Automatic Recognition Techniques Applicableto High-Information Pictorial InputsAdaptive Decision Elements to Improve the Reliability of Redundant Systems ... W. H. PierceCONFLEX I - A Conditioned Reflex System.An Evaluation of Recent Developments in the Field of Learning Machines. ... . O. G. Selfridge Panel: Status Session on Information Theory(Session 34: sponsored by PGIT) Panel (Abstract).Applicability of Coding Theory to Physical Channels (Title Only)Instrumentation of Encoding and Decoding (Title Only)Noise and Waveforms (Title Only). . P. Elias, R. Fano, S. Golomb, W. Peterson, and D. Slepian.P. Elias. R. FanoD. Slepian A Method of Digital Signaling in thePresence of Additive Gaussian and Impulsive Noise .Effects of Phase-Modulation Errors on Pulse Compression Signals.The Relative Efficiencies of Various Binary Detection SystemsPartial Ordering of Diserete Channels .. Information Theory-II(Session 49: sponsored by PGIT)The "Whirling Dervish," a Simulation Study in Learning and Recognition Systems . .A. Hoffman.. . L. Kurz.C. E. Cook. R. O. RowlandsT. T. Chang and J. G. Lawton 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 5 - AEROSPACE AND NAVIGATIONAL ELECTRONICS: MILITARYELECTRONICS; RADIO FREQUENCY INTERFERENCE: SPACE ELECTRONICSAND TELEMETRY TABLE OF CONTENTS Aerospace Radar(Session 5: sponsored by PGANE) A New Approach to Radar Cross-Section MeasurementsAudio-Radar Monitor RecorderA Diplex, Doppler Phase Comparison RadarRapid Acquisition of Doppler FrequenciesOptimal Filtering for Radar Doppler Navigators Military Electronics(Session 13: sponsored by PGMIL) The Free World's Largest Radar (Abstract)Phased Array Radars for Satellite TrackingA VHF Solar Radar System . A Motion-Enhancement Display by Time-CompressionFrequency Modulation Techniques as Applied toPulse Doppler RadarApplication of Space Frequency Equivalence to Radar. J. R. HuynenA. A. Goldberg.. W. D. BoyerW. Ewanus and F. J. Burkitt.J. A. Mullen W. L. KimbellC. S. Lerch, Jr.W. G. Abel, J.H.Chisholm,P. L. Fleck, and J. C. James. M. E. Crost G. R. HetrichM. I. Skolnik Space Guidance(Session 15: sponsored by PGANE) Radar System for Unmanned CooperativeRendezvous in SpaceA Sun-Vector Referenced Earth-SatelliteGuidance Scheme ..The Astroguide - A Space-Vehicle NavigationSystem.Emergency and Routine Space Vehicle Recovery H. A. Reuter H. Gabloffsky M. M. Birnbaum and P. M. SalomonJ. B. Meyer and B. R. Mayo Air and Marine Navigation(Session 22: sponsored by PGANE) Ginballess Inertial Reference System B. Byrne, W. Murphy, and R. W. Lanzkron New Views of Industrial Electronics(Session 35: sponsored by PGIE) Some Myths About Industrial Electronics .VWP: A New Approach to Small, Light, Efficient,High Power Regulated Power Supplies .A Low Cost Industrial Television System .Application of Audiofrequency for Anesthesia of Animals. Space Age Components(Session 42: sponsored by PGCP) Solid-State Linear and Sinusoidal Synchros.A Brushless DC Motor with Solid-State CommutationThe System Concept of Precision Potentiometer Specification (Abstract) .Space Radiation Resistor Evaluation ..The Effect of Radiation Environment on Film Resistors S. Feldmar . V. Wouk. H. R. WalkerJ. E. Thompson T. W. Parsons and D. R. SimonG. Bauerlein.D. C. Hoos. .I. DoshayS. O. Dorst and L. H. Wurzel Reliability and Quality Control(Session 45: sponsored by PGRQC) Reliability Studies of Mesa TransistorsEstablishing Reliability RequirementsDistributions of Functions of Random Variables.A Quantitative Approach to the Evaluation ofSystem Reliability .Some Aspects of Test Equipment Reliability . F. Aubin. L. R. DiamondD. L. Heck and L. H. Tung V. Lasewicz, S. Newman, and H. ThomasF. A. Applegate Lumped and Distributed Microcircuit Components(Session 50: sponsored by PGCP) Synthesis of Solid State Distributed ParameterFunctions .A Theoretical Comparison of Doubly Loaded DistributedBridged T and Lumped Twin T RC Notch Filters .The Electrical Properties of Porcelain Enamels andCeramic Coatings, and Factors Affecting Their Performance.Properties of Thin Film and Silicon Solid State Components -Their Effects on Microcircuit Performance ..Titanium Integrated Electronic Components Reliability and Quality Control(Session 52: sponsored by PGRQC) Reliability in Real TimeIndividuality in Small-Plant Reliability ...Short Term Prediction of Hook-Up Wire Insulation Cold FlowFlow Graph Techniques for Reliability EngineeringTest Fixture Variance and Reliability . .W. W. Happ, P. S. Castro, and W. D. Fuller J. L. Ekstrom G. Geltman ... J. A. Ekiss, J. Roschen, and P. G. ThomasW. D. Fuller T. J. Scanlon.I. J. Bearer. H. W. HicksJ. L. Burroughs and W. W. Happ. L. G. Reynolds 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 6 - COMPONENT PARTS; INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS; PRODUCT ENGINEERING AND PRODUCTION; RELIABILITY AND QUALITY CONTROL; ULTRASONICS ENGINEERING TABLE OF CONTENTS Ultrasonics for Machining.A Chemical Method for Measuring Relative Amountsof Cavitation in an Ultrasonic CleanerThe Advantages of Ultrasonic Cleaning as a Production Tool .Evaluation and Applications of the Levavasseur WhistleTechnical Aspects of the Cavitron Hyper IntenseProximal Scanning Ultrasonic Cleaner. Ultrasonics Engineering-I(Session 3: sponsored by PGUE) Ultrasonic Welding in Electronic Devices .... J. M. Peterson, H. L. McKaig, and C. F. DePrisco.. G. C. Brown . A. WeisslerR. C. Fencl and B. Hollerith... I. Elias .L. Balamuth A Piezoelectric-Piezomagnetic Gyrator.Wide-Band, Instantaneous Spectrum AnalyzersEmploying Delay-Line Light ModulatorsElectro-Optical Transfer Characteristies of LiquidDelay-Line Light Modulators . .Theoretical Power Limits of Sonar TransducersHigh-Frequency Electrostatic Transducers for Use in Gases Ultrasonics Engineering-II(Session 11: sponsored by PGUE) Heat Treatment of Wire for Torsional Magnetostrictive Delay Lines. A. J. Brown and A. Rothbart. M. Onoe and M. Sawabe .L. B. Lambert M. Arm, L. B. Lambert, and B. Silverberg.R. S. Woollett. W. M. Wright A Compendium of Significant Product Engineering and Production Trends(Session 31: sponsored by PGPEP) Thin-Film Circuit Packaging and the Numbers Game .Thermal Characteristics of Potted Electronic Modules.High-Density-Package Joining Techniques ..The Mathematical Basis of the Autonetics Etched Interconnection Design Program . J. WeissmanNeeded: Wire Design Documentation for More Efficient Production .. . A. R. Meehan. J. I. Gonzales and C. E. Waugh. C. W. Johnson and S. G. Konsowski, Jr. . .J. T. LaForte Transport Aircraft Navigatlon withAtrborne Doppler RadarPrupagation-of-Error Fquations for AirborpeDoppier NarigationRadar /TV Position Locator Aid to NavigationDirectional UHF Glide Slope SyxtemDesign Goals, Techniqoes, and Tests of aNew Instrument Landing Ald .. Panel: Eleetro-Magnetie Compatibility - Its Siniftcance ta Our Surtival(Session 2kt sponsored by PGMIL and PGRPD Basie Issues of Speetrum ConservationSpectrum Polution . . . .-The Cost of Radio Frequency InterferenceSystem Electromagnetie Compatibility -DOD's Approach to the Problem. Space Eleetronics(Session 472 sponsored by PGSET) Systems Speeifications of a Recovery Control Centerfor Hypersonic Vebicles .Manned-Satellite Re-Entry and Landing GuidanceSystem . Trends in Space NavigationSPACESCAN - A Radio Broadcast Syatem ofSpace Navigation ....The Design and Support of a TopsideSounder ( Abstract)Dynamie Analysis of OAO Spacecraft Motionhy Analog-Digital Simulation ... N. Braverman and N. Marehand... F. H. Bartle, Jr. .. D. G. PinkR. P. GilfordF. 1. Ankmnbrent J. A. MeDavid Space Telemetry(Session S4: sponsored by PGSET) New Problems in Space Telemetry (Abstract)A Laser Design for Space CommunicationsA Digital Data Telemetry System for an Atomic-PoweredAutomatic Weather StationA Manufacturing Approach to Long Ltfe Requirementsfor Unmanned SpacecraftCW Redemption - A New Technique for High VelocityMisste Scoring ...A. C. Flashover at Intermediate Altitutes 3. 3. Pishman D. K. Breseks, W. G. Green, R. J. Reis,B. K. Robrock, and J. R. Steinhilber... K. N. Satyendra .A. Tuta W. B. Offutt and S. Russell, Jr. G. Zetkov and R. Fleisig C. Hoepgmer. L. Goldmunt: A. M. Sullivan, Jr. R. Waite and C. Balsano F. C. Lanra and G. M. Hatn... D. H. Otto 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 7 - AUDIO; BROADCASTING; BROADCAST AND TELEVISION RECEIVERS TABLE OF CONTENTS Audio Reproduction(Sension 30: sponsored by PGA) A Sereophonle Ceramic Pickup Cartridgefor 2 Gram Tracking.A Stereo Tone Arm for Tracking at 2 Gramson a Record Changer. ..A System of Electrostatic Recording A New Automatic Level Control for Monophonic andStereophonie Broadcasting. .Reresphonic Frequency Test Record forAstomatie Pickup Testing A.L. Di Mattia, E. Kaulins, and B.B. Bauer G.W. Sioles and B.B. BauerD.E. Richardson, J.J. Brophy,H. Seiwatz, J.E. Dickens, and R.J. Kerr A. Kaiser and B.B. Bauer A. Schwartz, G.W. Sioles, and B.B. Bauer Magsetic Recording(ession 37: sponsored by PGA) Signal to Nolse Ratio and Equalizationof Magnetie Tape Recording.New Approaches to AC Biased Magnetic RecordingAnalysis of Tape Noise ,Drop-Outs in Instrumentation Magnetie TapeRecording Bystems ...Some Experiments with Magnetic PlaybackDeing Hall Effect Sensitive Elements.Absolute Measurements of MagneticBurface Induction , H. PieplowD.F. Eldridge and E.D. Daniel. . I. Stein . R.H. Carson M. Camras F.A. Comerci Brsadcasting(ession 43: sponsored by PGB)Television Antenna Characteristics When in Close Proximity toOther Antennas or Supporting Structures (Abstract) . M.S. Siukola Effects of Time Delay and Echoes on TelephoneConversations (Abstract) ....Transmission Programming for Energy Conservation in Space Communications .. .N. S. Potter Special Communications Techniques(Session 53: sponsored by PGCS) Feasibility Study of Chaff Communication.Predetection Diversity Combining with Selectively Fading Channels .. P. Bello and B. D. Nelin. R. T. Adams and B. M. Mindes L. R. KahnD. P. Harris . J. W. Emling and D. Mitchell . L. H. Bauer, C. E. Sharp, and R. Herring Plece-Wise Diversity Combining (Abstract) ..A Time Diversity Technique for Speech TransmissionOver Rapidly Fading Channels (Echoplex) ..Multipath and Scatter Communication Techniques. 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 8 - COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS; VEHICULAR COMMUNICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Vehicular Communication(Session T: sponsored by PGVC)Simultaneous Transmission and Reception with a Common Antenna.An Improved FM Oscillator-Modulator (Abstract)An Experimental Fast Acting AGC Circuit ..A Miniature Tuned Reed Selector of High Sensitivity and Stability.Two-Way Radio for Mobile Telephone Service (Abstract). Panel: Man and Sophisticated Communications(Session 24: sponsored by PGCS) Space Radio Telescopes.Interest in Outer SpaceInterstellar CommunicationCommunication Developments in Life SciencesThe Impact of New Techniques on Telecommunications in the Next Ten Years.Planning Systems for Military Communication. Digital Communications(Session 38: sponsored by PGCS) Error Burst Chains in Data TransmissionGroup Synchronization for Digital Transmission SystemComparative Performance of Digital Data TransmissionSystems in the Presence of CW Interference ..O the Optimum Performance of N-Ary Systems HavingTwo Degrees of Freedom. ...Video Bandwidth Compression (Abstract) Satellite Communications(Session 46: sponsored by PGCS) TV Broadcast from an Earth SatelliteThe Effect of Frequency-Compressive Feedback UponAdditive Disturbances in Wideband-FM Systems (Abstract)The Response of an Automatic Phase Control Systemto FM Signals and Noise .W.V. TilstonA. R. Cumming.. A. L. Hopper.L. G. Bostwick.M. Cooper .A. E. LilleyL. V. BerknerB. M. OliverL .. B. Lusted. .R. R. HoughE. G. Fubini .P. Mertz.T. Sekimoto and H. Kaneko . F. G. Splitt R. W. Lucky and J. C. Hancock.. W. F. Haagen . R. G. Gould .E. J. Baghdady D. L. Schilling and M. SchwartzEffects of Time Delay and Echoes on TelephoneConversations (Abstract) ..Transmission Programming for Energy Conservation in Space Communications . . .N. S. Potter Special Communications Techniques(Session 53: sponsored by PGCS) Feasibility Study of Chaff Communication.Predetection Diversity Combining with Selectively Fading Channels .. P. Bello and B. D. Nelin. R. T. Adams and B. M. Mindes L. R. KatnD. P. Harris . J. W. Emling and D. Mitchell . L. H. Bauer, C. E. Sharp, and R. Herring Plece-Wise Diversity Combining (Abstract) ..A Time Diversity Technique for Speech TransmissionOver Rapidly Fading Channels (Echoplex) ..Multipath and Scatter Communication Techniques. 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 9 - BIO-MEDICAL ELECTRONICS; HUMAN FACTORS IN ELECTRONICS;INSTRUMENTATION; NUCLEAR SCIENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS .F. E. GoddardA. G. MeNish.M. A. Mason.. A. V. Astin L. F. Wouters, A. E. Villaire, V. E. Wheeler, and R. Kalibjian... I. M. Meth and R. T. Graveson . R. F. Shea ..... S. Rankowitz, J. S. Robertson, W. A. Higinbotham, and M. J. Rosenblum Space Age Requirements for Electronic Measurements(Session 2: sponsored by PGI) Space Program Requirements for ImprovedElectronic Measurements (Abstract) .Absolute and Relative Measurements (Abstract).The Dilemma of Measurement .Some Problems of Improving Accuracy of Measurement Nuclear Instrumentation(Session 19: sponsored by PGNS) A Fast, High-CurrentPhotomultiplierNuclear Pulse Current-Sensitive Amplifiers ..A Low-Noise High-Gain Bandwidth Charge Sensitive Preamplifier .... .J. Hahn and R. MeyerA Transistorized Reactivity Computer. .Positron Scanner for Locating BrainTumors . . Panel: Aerospace Nuclear Propulsion and Power (Abstract)(Session 27: sponsored by PGNS) Bio-Medical Electronics(Session 32: sponsored by PGBME) Black and White, or Grey ?..Representation of Complex Electronic Learning Systems.Blological Energy as a Power Source for a Physiological Telemetering System ... .F. M. LongAnalog Computation of Alveolar GasParameter Via Direct Technique.Development and Operation of Chronically ImplantedElectronic Devices with Their Effects, in Experimental AnimalsMedical Magnetic Tape Recording Identificationand Searching System .. .G. Dorn. E. B. Carne .T. W. Murphy and R. Crane .. N. R. Cholvin .L. W. Paine and C. A. Steinberg J. B. Hartgering. . L D. Carleon..... B. WeisnC. N. Shoster, Jr.W. A. Spencer, C. Vallbona, and L. A. Geddes Panel: Engtneering in the Life Sclences, a Growing Challenge(Session 39: sponsored by PGBME) Engineering in the Life SeiencesMaintaining the Thermal Balance in ManEngineering Perspectives in the Analysis of Behavior.Biological Oceanography ..Automation in Hospital Care. Instrumentation Systems and Devices(Session 40: sponsored by PGI) A Phase-Channel Combiner for the NRL Space Surveillance SystemThe Experimental Dynamic Processor DX-1.Reduction of Tape Skew in MagneticInstrumentation Recorders. .Calibration of DC and AC Digital Voltmeters.ransistor Operational Ampliflers ..ue RMS Measurements Utilizing theGalvanomagnetic Effects in Semiconductors M. G. Kaufman. C. M. Walter F. Jorgensen and I. Moskovits.C. Cimilluca and D. O'Leary. P. J. Beneteau, L. Blaser, and R. Q. Late .M. Epstein and L. J. Greenstein Human Factors in Electronics(Session 44: sponsored by PGHFE) Development and Evaluation of a Simulator for EvaluatingTroubleshooting Performance on a Complex Electronies System.Personnel Subsystem Development and Inertial Guidance Systems ....An Experimental Study of Missile Control System Parameters. .J. J. Seider and H. L. WilliamsA Simulation Study of Operator Capabilityin Robot Vehicle Control . ..... A. J. Bernetein..... G. J. Ferwerda M. Chomet, N. Freeberg, and A. Swanson SPACE PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS FORIMPROVED ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS Frank E. GoddardJet Propulsion Lab.Pasadena, Calif. Abstract After a period of extensive study and planning the National Aero-nauties and Space Administration is launching an expanded spaceprogram which should lead to the landing of the first American onthe moon about 1967. Other NASA programs include global systemsof communication and weather satellites. In all of these programsthe total cost, the safety of human life, and the prestige of theUnited States are strongly dependent upon the reliability of elec-tronic systems. Achieving the necessary reliability will requirethe development of many types of improved instrumentation,measurement standards, and measurement techniques. Thispaper points out some areas in which increased emphasis isrequired. 1962 IRE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION RECORD PART 10 - EDUCATION; ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT; ENGINEERINGWRITING AND SPEECH TABLE OF CONTENTS Panel: Should We Accredit Graduate Degree Programs inElectrical Engineering?(Session 6: sponsored by PGE)Panel (Abstract) .Improving Standards of Graduate Work in Engineering . Engineering Management - I(Session 14: sponsored by PGEM) The Role of Marketing in Technical Defense Contracting.The Evaluation Interview .Technical Isolationism (Abstract)Engineers in Midstream: A Study of EngineersSeeking Professional Career Guidance L. E. Grinter, J. D. Ryder, and P. F. CheneaL. E. Grinter W. S. Kendall. G. R. DesiR. T. Adams B. J. Covner J. KrausG. J. Rath W. E. FrommJ. L. Hollis and L. H. Wolcott ... Engineering Management - IISession 21: sponsored by PGEM) The Industrial Technologist and the Scientific Revolution.Programming: The Mechanization of Rationality (Abstract).Limited Resources - A Challenge for Space-AgeEngineering Managers.Financing a New Space Age Company Better Writing Pays(Session 36: sponsored by PGEWS)Ecucating Engineers to Write EffectivelyPlacement of Technical Papers forMaximum Effectiveness.The Engineering Report, a Rusty Tool.The Consequence of Choice . A. C. Mansfield . C. A. MeyerR. M. Woelfle.. T. Farrell

Price: 42 USD

Location: Auburn, Washington

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1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Publication Year: 1962

Format: Hardcover

Release Year: 1962

Language: English

Book Title: 1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10

Book Series: IRE International Convention Record

Author: Institute of Radio Engineers

Publisher: Institute of Radio Engineers

Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Business, Economics & Industry, Computer & IT, Engineering & Technology, Health, Treatments & Medicine, Historical, History, Mathematics & Sciences, Military, Physics, Politics & Society, Transportation, Travel, War & Combat

Topic: Radio Engineering


Lot of 12 Rare IRE/IEEE Radio Antennas And Propagation Trade Magazines 1962-1965
Lot of 12 Rare IRE/IEEE Radio Antennas And Propagation Trade Magazines 1962-1965


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1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers
1962 IRE International Convention Record Part 1-10 Institute of Radio Engineers


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Various Artists : Cruisin' 1962 [european Import] CD (2000)
Various Artists : Cruisin' 1962 [european Import] CD (2000)


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IEEE / IRE Aerospace / Electronics (6 issues) 1962-1964 Publications (MUSTY!)
IEEE / IRE Aerospace / Electronics (6 issues) 1962-1964 Publications (MUSTY!)


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Photo 12x8 Sunset at Gwbert-on-Sea View NW - cf. [[[196753]]]. Is that Ire c1962
Photo 12x8 Sunset at Gwbert-on-Sea View NW - cf. [[[196753]]]. Is that Ire c1962


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Photo 6x4 Sunset at Gwbert-on-Sea View NW - cf. [[[196753]]]. Is that Ire c1962
Photo 6x4 Sunset at Gwbert-on-Sea View NW - cf. [[[196753]]]. Is that Ire c1962


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Cruisin 1955,1959,1961,1962,1965&1966 by Various (CD, 1993)
Cruisin 1955,1959,1961,1962,1965&1966 by Various (CD, 1993)


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IRE Transactions on Aerospace & Navigational Electronics (14 issues) 1959-1962
IRE Transactions on Aerospace & Navigational Electronics (14 issues) 1959-1962


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March and April 1962 IRE and AIEE Print Materials- Historic Merger!
March and April 1962 IRE and AIEE Print Materials- Historic Merger!


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Various Artists - Cruisin 1962 / Various [New CD]
Various Artists - Cruisin 1962 / Various [New CD]


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