Description: 2010 The Fifty (50) Cent Coin Commemorating Australia Day. Designed and sculpted by Vladimir Gottwald. Royal Australian Mint (11.4 million) Celebrating Australia Day in 2010 the Royal Australian Mint in collaboration with the Australia Day Council released a commemorative cupro-nickel 50c coin into circulation. It wasn't until recent that the whole of Australia consistently celebrated Australia Day on the 26th of January as a public holiday. It was on the 26th January 1788 that The First Fleet from England landed at Sydney Cove and raised the Union Jack founding the Colony of New South Wales. Whilst not always called Australia Day, the 26th of January has historically been used for celebrations and commemorations. It has been known as Foundation Day, Anniversary Day and also Invasion Day. In today's society Australia Day is a day to celebrate being Australian and what it means to be Australian. The Day is intended to bring all our diverse cultures together and remember our Aboriginal heritage to be proud Australians. Capturing this theme for Australia Day 2010 was this dodecagonal 50c coin which tells us to "Celebrate What's Great" and come together to reflect on the past, present and future.
Price: 4.95 AUD
Location: Clemton Park
End Time: 2024-12-24T10:03:31.000Z
Shipping Cost: 13.71 AUD
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Item Specifics
Returns Accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Coin Type: Decimal
Composition: Copper-nickel (75% Copper, 25% Nickel)
Set: A030
Year: 2010
Era: 2000s
Country: Australia
Region of Origin: Australia