
Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry by Jeremy Blum

Description: Exploring Arduino by Jeremy Blum The bestselling beginner Arduino guide, updated with new projects! Exploring Arduino makes electrical engineering and embedded software accessible. Learn step by step everything you need to know about electrical engineering, programming, and human-computer interaction through a series of increasingly complex projects. FORMAT Paperback LANGUAGE English CONDITION Brand New Publisher Description The bestselling beginner Arduino guide, updated with new projects! Exploring Arduino makes electrical engineering and embedded software accessible. Learn step by step everything you need to know about electrical engineering, programming, and human-computer interaction through a series of increasingly complex projects. Arduino guru Jeremy Blum walks you through each build, providing code snippets and schematics that will remain useful for future projects. Projects are accompanied by downloadable source code, tips and tricks, and video tutorials to help you master Arduino. Youll gain the skills you need to develop your own microcontroller projects! This new 2nd edition has been updated to cover the rapidly-expanding Arduino ecosystem, and includes new full-color graphics for easier reference. Servo motors and stepper motors are covered in richer detail, and youll find more excerpts about technical details behind the topics covered in the book. Wireless connectivity and the Internet-of-Things are now more prominently featured in the advanced projects to reflect Arduinos growing capabilities. Youll learn how Arduino compares to its competition, and how to determine which board is right for your project. If youre ready to start creating, this book is your ultimate guide! Get up to date on the evolving Arduino hardware, software, and capabilitiesBuild projects that interface with other devices—wirelessly!Learn the basics of electrical engineering and programmingAccess downloadable materials and source code for every project Whether youre a first-timer just starting out in electronics, or a pro looking to mock-up more complex builds, Arduino is a fantastic tool for building a variety of devices. This book offers a comprehensive tour of the hardware itself, plus in-depth introduction to the various peripherals, tools, and techniques used to turn your little Arduino device into something useful, artistic, and educational. Exploring Arduino is your roadmap to adventure—start your journey today! Notes Updated to consider the bounty of recent hardware, this guide to open-source electronics platform Arduino teaches beginners how to bring about simple projects while also assisting experts at Arduino with the nuts and bolts of more complex ventures. Back Cover "Jeremys easy-to-understand style and depth of content about the Arduino. . . will not only allow digital beginners to get their footing but will also allow the old guard of hardware to dip a toe into the hobbyist-friendly end of the swimming pool and start connecting their devices." -- Chris Gammell, Co-host of the Amp Hour Podcast ARDUINO CAN TAKE YOU ANYWHERE. THIS BOOK IS THE ROADMAP. Exploring Arduino ??shows how to use the worlds most popular microcontroller to create cool, practical, artistic, and educational projects. Through lessons in electrical engineering, programming, and human computer interaction, this book walks you through specific, increasingly complex projects, all the while providing best practices that can apply to your own projects once youve mastered these. Youll acquire valuable skills--and have a whole lot of fun. Explore the features of several commonly used Arduino boards Use the Arduino to control very simple tasks or complex electronics Learn principles of system design, programming, and electrical engineering Discover code snippets, best practices, and system schematics you can apply to your original projects Master skills you can use for engineering endeavors in other fields and with different platforms Connect your projects to the internet Expands on the first edition with updated projects, all new topics like wireless connectivity and stepper motors, and more deep dives into electrical engineering and product design topics Find schematics, tutorial videos, code downloads, and more at the companion website: CONVENIENT COMPONENT KITS Component kits are available for this book! Visit exploringarduino.com/kits. Flap "Jeremys easy-to-understand style and depth of content about the Arduino. . . will not only allow digital beginners to get their footing but will also allow the old guard of hardware to dip a toe into the hobbyist-friendly end of the swimming pool and start connecting their devices." -- Chris Gammell, Co-host of the Amp Hour Podcast ARDUINO CAN TAKE YOU ANYWHERE. THIS BOOK IS THE ROADMAP. Exploring Arduino ??shows how to use the worlds most popular microcontroller to create cool, practical, artistic, and educational projects. Through lessons in electrical engineering, programming, and human computer interaction, this book walks you through specific, increasingly complex projects, all the while providing best practices that can apply to your own projects once youve mastered these. Youll acquire valuable skills--and have a whole lot of fun. Explore the features of several commonly used Arduino boards Use the Arduino to control very simple tasks or complex electronics Learn principles of system design, programming, and electrical engineering Discover code snippets, best practices, and system schematics you can apply to your original projects Master skills you can use for engineering endeavors in other fields and with different platforms Connect your projects to the internet Expands on the first edition with updated projects, all new topics like wireless connectivity and stepper motors, and more deep dives into electrical engineering and product design topics Find schematics, tutorial videos, code downloads, and more at the companion website: CONVENIENT COMPONENT KITS Component kits are available for this book! Visit exploringarduino.com/kits. Author Biography Jeremy Blum is an electrical engineer known for his series of educational YouTube videos that have taught engineering concepts to millions of people around the world. Previously as a hardware engineer at Google [X] and currently as director of engineering at Shaper Tools, he spends every day creating complex electromechanical products. He has designed and built solar trackers, prosthetic arms, truss-traversing robots, musical theremins, gesture controllers, home automation systems, augmented reality hardware, and more. Table of Contents Introduction xxv Part I Arduino Engineering Basics 1 1 Getting Started and Understanding the Arduino Landscape 3 Exploring the Arduino Ecosystem 4 Arduino Functionality 5 The Microcontroller 7 Programming Interfaces 8 Input/Output: GPIO, ADCs, and Communication Busses 9 Power 9 Arduino Boards 11 Creating Your First Program 15 Downloading and Installing the Arduino IDE 16 Running the IDE and Connecting to the Arduino 17 Breaking Down Your First Program 18 Summary 21 2 Digital Inputs, Outputs, and Pulse-Width Modulation 23 Digital Outputs 24 Wiring Up an LED and Using Breadboards 24 Working with Breadboards 24 Wiring LEDs 25 Programming Digital Outputs 29 Using For Loops 30 Pulse-Width Modulation with analogWrite() 31 Reading Digital Inputs 35 Reading Digital Inputs with Pull-Down Resistors 35 Working with "Bouncy" Buttons 38 Building a Controllable RGB LED Nightlight 42 Summary 46 3 Interfacing with Analog Sensors 47 Understanding Analog and Digital Signals 48 Comparing Analog and Digital Signals 48 Converting an Analog Signal to Digital 49 Reading Analog Sensors with the Arduino: analogRead() 51 Reading a Potentiometer 51 Using Analog Sensors 56 Using Variable Resistors to Make Your Own Analog Sensors 60 Using Resistive Voltage Dividers 61 Using Analog Inputs to Control Analog Outputs 64 Summary 66 Part II Interfacing with Your Environment 67 4 Using Transistors and Driving DC Motors 69 Driving DC Motors 70 Handling High-Current Inductive Loads 71 Using Transistors as Switches 72 Using Protection Diodes73 Using a Secondary Power Source 74 Wiring the Motor 74 Controlling Motor Speed with PWM 76 Using an H-Bridge to Control DC Motor Direction 78 Building an H-Bridge Circuit 80 Operating an H-Bridge Circuit 82 Building a Roving Robot 86 Choosing the Robot Parts 87 Selecting a Motor and Gearbox 87 Powering Your Robot 87 Constructing the Robot 89 Writing the Robot Software 92 Bringing It Together 96 Summary 97 5 Driving Stepper and Servo Motors 99 Driving Servo Motors 100 Understanding the Difference between Continuous Rotation and Standard Servos 100 Understanding Servo Control 101 Controlling a Servo 104 Building a Sweeping Distance Sensor 105 Understanding and Driving Stepper Motors 109 How Bipolar Stepper Motors Work 111 Making Your Stepper Move 113 Building a "One-Minute Chronograph" 117 Wiring and Building the Chronograph 117 Programming the Chronograph 119 Summary 124 6 Making Sounds and Music 125 Understanding How Speakers Work 126 The Properties of Sound 126 How a Speaker Produces Sound 128 Using tone() to Make Sounds 129 Including a Definition File 129 Wiring the Speaker 130 Making Sound Sequences 133 Using Arrays 133 Making Note and Duration Arrays 134 Completing the Program 134 Understanding the Limitations of the tone() Function 136 Building a Micro Piano 136 Summary 139 7 USB Serial Communication 141 Understanding the Arduinos Serial Communication Capabilities 142 Arduino Boards with an Internal or External FTDI or Silicon Labs USB-to-Serial Converter 143 Arduino Boards with a Secondary USB-Capable ATmega MCU Emulating a Serial Converter 146 Arduino Boards with a Single USB-Capable MCU 147 Arduino Boards with USB-Host Capabilities 147 Listening to the Arduino 148 Using print Statements 148 Using Special Characters 150 Changing Data Type Representations 152 Talking to the Arduino 152 Configuring the Arduino IDEs Serial Monitor to Send Command Strings 152 Reading Incoming Data from a Computer or Other Serial Device 153 Telling the Arduino to Echo Incoming Data 153 Understanding the Differences between Chars and Ints 154 Sending Single Characters to Control an LED 156 Sending Lists of Values to Control an RGB LED 158 Talking to a Desktop App 161 Installing Processing 162 Controlling a Processing Sketch from Your Arduino 163 Sending Data from Processing to Your Arduino 166 Summary 169 8 Emulating USB Devices 171 Emulating a Keyboard 173 Typing Data into the Computer 173 Commanding Your Computer to Do Your Bidding 177 Emulating a Mouse 178 Summary 182 9 Shift Registers 183 Understanding Shift Registers 184 Sending Parallel and Serial Data 185 Working with the 74HC595 Shift Register 186 Understanding the Shift Register pin Functions 186 Understanding How the Shift Register Works 187 Shifting Serial Data from the Arduino 189 Converting Between Binary and Decimal Formats 192 Controlling Light Animations with a Shift Register 192 Building a "Light Rider" 192 Responding to Inputs with an LED Bar Graph 194 Summary 197 Part III Communication Interfaces 199 10 The I2C Bus 201 History of the I2C Bus 202 I2C Hardware Design 203 Communication Scheme and ID Numbers 203 Hardware Requirements and Pull-Up Resistors 206 Communicating with an I2C Temperature Probe 208 Setting Up the Hardware208 Referencing the Datasheet 210 Writing the Software 212 Combining Shift Registers, Serial Communication, and I2C Communications 214 Building the Hardware for a Temperature Monitoring System 214 Modifying the Embedded Program 215 Writing the Processing Sketch 218 Summary 221 11 The SPI Bus and Third-Party Libraries 223 Overview of the SPI Bus 224 SPI Hardware and Communication Design 225 Hardware Configuration 225 Communication Scheme 227 Comparing SPI to I2C and UART 227 Communicating with an SPI Accelerometer 228 What is an Accelerometer? 229 Gathering Information from the Datasheet 231 Setting Up the Hardware233 Writing the Software 235 Installing the Adafruit Sensor Libraries 236 Leveraging the Library 237 Creating an Audiovisual Instrument Using a 3-Axis Accelerometer 241 Setting Up the Hardware242 Modifying the Software 242 Summary 246 12 Interfacing with Liquid Crystal Displays 247 Setting Up the LCD 248 Using the LiquidCrystal Library to Write to the LCD 251 Adding Text to the Display 252 Creating Special Characters and Animations 254 Building a Personal Thermostat 258 Setting Up the Hardware 258 Displaying Data on the LCD 261 Adjusting the Set Point with a Button 264 Adding an Audible Warning and a Fan 265 Bringing It All Together: The Complete Program 266 Taking This Project to the Next Level 270 Summary 271 Part IV Digging Deeper and Combining Functions 273 13 Interrupts and Other Special Functions 275 Using Hardware Interrupts 276 Knowing the Tradeoffs Between Polling and Interrupting 277 Ease of Implementation (Software) 277 Ease of Implementation (Hardware) 277 Multitasking 278 Acquisition Accuracy 278 Understanding the Arduino Hardware Interrupt Capabilities 278 Building and Testing a Hardware-Debounced Button Interrupt Circuit 279 Creating a Hardware-Debouncing Circuit 280 Assembling the Complete Test Circuit 284 Writing the Software 285 Using Timer Interrupts 288 Understanding Timer Interrupts 288 Getting the Library 289 Executing Two Tasks Simultaneously(ish) 289 Building an Interrupt-Driven Sound Machine 290 Sound Machine Hardware 291 Sound Machine Software 291 Summary 294 14 Data Logging with SD Cards 295 Getting Ready for Data Logging 296 Formatting Data with CSV Files 297 Preparing an SD Card for Data Logging 297 Formatting Your SD Card Using a Windows PC 298 Formatting Your SD Card Using Mac OS 300 Formatting Your SD Card Using Linux 302 Interfacing the Arduino with an SD Card 304 SD Card Shields 304 SD Card SPI Interface 307 Writing to an SD Card 307 Reading from an SD Card 312 Real-Time Clocks 317 Understanding Real-Time Clocks 317 Communicating with a Real-Time Clock 317 Using the RTC Arduino Third-Party Library 318 Using a Real-Time Clock 319 Installing the RTC and SD Card Modules 319 Updating the Software 320 Building an Entrance Logger 327 Logger Hardware 328 Logger Software 329 Data Analysis 334 Summary 335 Part V Going Wireless 337 15 Wireless RF Communications 339 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 340 The Spectrum 342 How Your RF Link Will Send and Receive Data 343 Receiving Key Presses with the RF Link 346 Connecting Your Receiver 346 Programming Your Receiver 347 Making a Wireless Doorbell 351 Wiring the Receiver 351 Programming the Receiver 351 The Start of Your Smart Home—Controlling a Lamp 354 Your Homes AC Power 356 How a Relay Works 356 Programming the Relay Control 358 Hooking up Your Lamp and Relay to the Arduino 360 Summary 361 16 Bluetooth Connectivity 363 Demystifying Bluetooth 364 Bluetooth Standards and Versions 364 Bluetooth Profiles and BTLE GATT Services 365 Communication between Your Arduino and Your Phone 366 Reading a Sensor over BTLE 366 Adding Support for Third-Party Boards to the Arduino IDE 367 Installing the BTLE Module Library 369 Programming the Feather Board 369 Connecting Your Smartphone to Your BTLE Transmitter 377 Sending Commands from Your Phone over BTLE 379 Parsing Command Strings 380 Commanding Your BTLE Device with Natural Language 384 Controlling an AC Lamp with Bluetooth 389 How Your Phone "Pairs" to BTLE Devices 389 Writing the Proximity Control Software 390 Pairing Your Phone 394 Pairing an Android Phone 394 Pairing an iPhone 395 Make Your Lamp React to Your Presence 396 Summary 397 17 Wi-Fi and the Cloud 399 The Web, the Arduino, and You 400 Networking Lingo 401 The Internet vs. the World Wide Web vs. the Cloud 401 IP Address 401 Network Address Translation 402 MAC Address 402 HTML 402 HTTP and HTTPS 402 GET/POST 403 DHCP 403 DNS 403 Clients and Servers 403 Your Wi-Fi–Enabled Arduino 404 Controlling Your Arduino from the Web 404 Setting Up the I/O Control Hardware 404 Preparing the Arduino IDE for Use with the Feather Board.406 Ensuring the Wi-Fi Library is Matched to the Wi-Fi Modules Firmware 407 Checking the WINC1500s Firmware Version 408 Updating the WINC1500s Firmware 408 Writing an Arduino Server Sketch 408 Connecting to the Network and Retrieving an IP Address via DHCP 409 Writing the Code for a Bare-Minimum Web Server 412 Controlling Your Arduino from Inside and Outside Your Local Network 423 Controlling Your Arduino over the Local Network 423 Using Port Forwarding to Control Your Arduino from Anywhere 425 Interfacing with Web APIs 427 Using a Weather API428 Creating an Account with the API Service Provider 429 Understanding How APIs are Structured 430 JSON-Formatted Data and Your Arduino 430 Fetching and Parsing Weather Data 431 Getting the Local Temperature from the Web on Your Arduino 433 Completing the Live Temperature Display 440 Wiring up the LED Readout Display 440 Driving the Display with Temperature Data 443 Summary 449 Appendix A: Deciphering Datasheets and Schematics 451 Index 461 Feature Introduction xxv Part I Arduino Engineering Basics 1 1 Getting Started and Understanding the Arduino Landscape 3 2 Digital Inputs, Outputs, and Pulse-Width Modulation 23 3 Interfacing with Analog Sensors 47 Part II Interfacing with Your Environment 67 4 Using Transistors and Driving DC Motors 69 5 Driving Stepper and Servo Motors 99 6 Making Sounds and Music 125 7 USB Serial Communication 141 8 Emulating USB Devices 171 9 Shift Registers 183 Part III Communication Interfaces 199 10 The I2C Bus 201 11 The SPI Bus and Third-Party Libraries 223 12 Interfacing with Liquid Crystal Displays 247 Part IV Digging Deeper and Combining Functions 273 13 Interrupts and Other Special Functions 275 14 Data Logging with SD Cards 295 Part V Going Wireless 337 15 Wireless RF Communications 339 16 Bluetooth Connectivity 363 17 Wi-Fi and the Cloud 399 Appendix A: Deciphering Datasheets and Schematics 451 Index 461 Details ISBN1119405378 ISBN-10 1119405378 ISBN-13 9781119405375 Format Paperback Subtitle Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry Edition 2nd Place of Publication New York Country of Publication United States Media Book DEWEY 629.895 Short Title Exploring Arduino Language English UK Release Date 2019-12-05 Replaces 9781118549360 NZ Release Date 2019-11-19 Author Jeremy Blum Pages 512 Publisher John Wiley & Sons Inc Edition Description 2nd edition Year 2019 Publication Date 2019-12-05 Imprint John Wiley & Sons Inc Audience Professional & Vocational US Release Date 2019-12-05 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Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry by Jeremy Blum

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ISBN-13: 9781119405375

Book Title: Exploring Arduino

Number of Pages: 512 Pages

Language: English

Publication Name: Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizardry

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc

Publication Year: 2019

Subject: Computer Science

Item Height: 235 mm

Item Weight: 1184 g

Type: Textbook

Author: Jeremy Blum

Subject Area: Electrical Engineering

Item Width: 189 mm

Format: Paperback


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